Monday, July 30, 2012

Progressive Auto insurance

Progressive Auto Insurance

I just received this email and thought I would put it on my blog for all of you to read...very disturbing.

You know their TV commercials, the ones featuring the ditsy actress all dressed in white.
What you might not know is that the Chairman of Progressive is Peter Lewis, one of the major funders of leftist causes in America .

Between 2001 and 2003, Lewis funneled $15 million to the ACLU,
the group most responsible for destroying what's left of Americas Judeo-Christian heritage.

Lewis also gave $12.5 million to and America Coming Together, two key propaganda arms of the socialist left..

His funding for these groups was conditional on matching contributions from George Soros,
the America-hating socialist who is the chief financier of the Obama political machine.

Lewis made a fortune as a result of capitalism, but now finances a progressive movement that threatens to destroy the American free enterprise system that is targeting television shows on Fox News.

Peter Lewis is making a fortune off of conservative Americans (who buy his auto insurance) that he then applies to dismantle the very system that made him wealthy. He's banking on no one finding out who he is, so STOP buying Progressive Insurance and pass this information on to all your friends..
Chairman Lewis' gift helps the ACLU promote their anti-Christmas agenda such as:
· Removing nativity scenes from public property
· Banning songs such as Silent Night from schools
· Refusing to allow students to write about the Christian aspect of Christmas in school projects
· Renaming Christmas break Winter break
· Refusing to allow a city sponsored Christmas parade to be called a Christmas parade
· Not allowing a Christmas tree in a public school
· Renaming a Christmas tree displayed on public property a Holiday tree
In addition to their war on Christmas, the ACLU uses gifts like that from Chairman Lewis to:
( In a personal note:  I have to say that I agree with the following; legalizing homosexual marriage.  It's no ones business who you love. )
· Sue states to force them to legalize homosexual marriage
· Force libraries to remove porn filters from their computers
· Sue the Boy Scouts to force them to accept homosexuals as scout leaders
· Help legalize child pornography
· Legalize live sex acts in bars in Oregon
· Protect the North American Man Boy Love Association whose motto is "sex by eight or it is too late"
· Censor student led prayer at graduation
· Remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance
· Remove "In God We Trust" on our currency
All of a sudden I don't care for their "funny commercials".

Warren Buffet's quotes.

Warren Buffet

Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:              "I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just
         pass a  law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more       
         than 3% of  GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible
         for re-election.

         The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds)
         took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified!  Why? Simple!
         The people demanded it. That was in 1971 - before computers, e-mail,
         cell phones, etc.
         Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took one (1) year
         or less to become the law of the land - all because of public pressure.
    Congressional Reform Act of 2012               
1. No Tenure / No Pension.

         A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no
         pay when they're out of office.

2.  Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social

         All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the
         Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into
         the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the
         American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan,  just as all
        Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise.
         Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and
         participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the
         American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void
         effective 12/1/12. The American people did not make this
         contract with Congressmen/women.

         Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in
         Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers
         envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their
         term(s), then go home and back to work.

         If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people with this message,then it will only take three days for most people (in the U.S. ) to receive the message.  Don't you think it's time?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Psychic dreams?

Psychic dreams or what?

I've been having some crazy dreams in the past few years and a lot of them have actually come true all the way down to the last detail.  They aren't crazy Medium-type dreams with a killer on the loose and I'm the only one who can bring them to justice, but they are beginning to give me pause and I'm not really looking forward to crawling into bed at night for fear that I may dream something I prefer NOT to dream about at this particular time.
It all started with a dream I had three years ago.  This particular dream was disturbing because I thought it had actually happened.  I had a dream that my husband was on the phone talking to his mom about his grandmother's recent passing.  They were discussing the plans for the funeral and such.  For the next couple of months I felt bad for my husband because he didn't even mention his grandmother at all, so I thought he was having difficulty getting through this emotional time, until I heard him on the phone talking to his grandmother.  I was perplexed.  I waited until he got off the phone then I said, "I thought your grandmother passed away."  He told me he had no idea what I was talking about because nobody in his family had passed away.  I felt a little weird, but I had heard of people having dreams that to them seemed very real, so I dismissed it until the next year, same month and my husband's grandmother actually did pass away.  There my husband stood on the phone having the exact same conversation with his mother that I had over heard him having in my dream.  Crazy, right?  Well, it didn't stop there.  
I had a dream prior to Christmas last year.  It was Christmas morning and I was sitting on the couch opening the present my husband had bought me.  Once the wrapping was off and I pulled out the gift, I saw that it was a reborn doll kit.  I said, "Wow, it's beautiful."  My husband said, "I'm glad you like it.  I went all the way to Pueblo to pick it up from Hobby Lobby." Then the dream flashed forward to next year's Christmas, but I don't want to get into that part of it, because I didn't like it at all and there's no way that part could possibly come true anyway.  We're not on the X-files, after all.  Anyway, the next morning, I told my husband about my dream.  He said nothing, just stared at his computer screen while my daughter gave me a strange look.  I let it go and got busy with my chores for the day, but later my nephew came out of his trailer and said, "Aunt Beth, I can't believe you had a dream about what you were getting for Christmas, that's just crazy."  So, needless to say, when Christmas came and I opened my gift, there was a reborn doll kit in it that my husband had purchased from Hobby Lobby in Pueblo.
Soon after that dream, a few months ago, I had a dream that ALL my husband's fish were floating at the top of the pond, dead.  I told him about this and said that I thought he should wait another month before putting the fish into the pond.  He didn't listen since he was so anxious to get the ponds going for the summer time.  The very next morning ALL of his fish were floating at the top of the pond, not one had lived.  
I typically do not believe in prophetic dreams and such.  I just get a creepy feeling about it and refuse to approach the subject.  It had, for a long time, seemed like a bunch of hogwash to me, but now I'm not sure.  I just want to know when in the heck I'm going to dream about the lottery.  I've been waiting on it and it just hasn't happened yet.  
How many other people are experiencing this?  I for one, wish it would just stop.  It's creeping me out.

I recently had a dream the something very bad happened at a school or a church.  I couldn't tell which for certain.  Whatever place it was, it had a stage and seating place for either a sermon or school play.  Anyway, a man was there who apparently injured or killed at least one young man and a person in a position of authority.  I sure hope this dream doesn't come close to coming true.  It scared me so much I couldn't go back to sleep.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Collective Conscience continued.

Collective Conscience.

Studies and scientific theories of the collective conscience.

     I thought I would write a bit more on this collective conscience theory. The collective conscience is defined in several different ways, but collective still means: forming a whole; combined and Conscience means: The complex of ethical and moral principles that control or inhibits the actions or thoughts of an individual.
     I still don't know where I stand in regards to this widely believed idea that all our thoughts combined create the world we live in and that we could possible make a change for the greater good of the people, but I think it is worth a try. Of course, making our world a better place by any means is always worth a try. 
     There are several people who have written about this subject, many scientists who are studying it, and many people who read about it, but are not sure, just as I am, as to the validity of the claim.

As written by: Robert Kenny, MBA
© 2004 Robert Kenny and Leaderful Teams Consulting

This is only a small bit from Robert Kenny, but a link to his well written and informative article follows.  

Foreward and Overview
     A growing number of people are discussing collective consciousness and wisdom. When I first published an article about these topics in 19921, my literature search turned up only one line of related scientific research, begun in 1979, regarding the social effects of “unified field” consciousness, accessed through group practice of transcendental meditation (TM).2 A year later, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab began studying how focused group intention and attention – or “field consciousness” -- brought order to random computer output. In 1995, Roger Nelson and Dean Radin began researching similar effects that occurred when mass attention was captured by events like the O.J. Simpson trial. In 1998, the Fetzer Institute and the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) co-sponsored two national dialogues exploring group consciousness and synergy, which my wife, Julie Glover, organized. Fetzer published a report,Centered on the Edge: Mapping a Field of Collective Intelligence and Spiritual Wisdom, three years later, and supported creation of this website in 2002. The following year Rupert Sheldrake published a book about “extended mind”, and IONS and the Association for Global New Thought co-sponsored the first conference on collective wisdom, which was attended by 2,500 participants. When I did an Internet search regarding collective consciousness in October 2003, I got more than 64,000 hits. In its May-July, 2004 issue, What Is Enlightenment? magazine ran a feature article on collective consciousness. Clearly, the topic has been increasingly infiltrating our social discourse.
     Is There Scientific Evidence? If more and more people are talking about collective consciousness, is there any scientific evidence to back it up? Yes – and that’s important. Rigorous science helps us avoid the fuzzy thinking and unquestioned assumptions that too often characterize spiritual and New Age discussions. Moreover, science may ultimately introduce mainstream society to collective consciousness and demonstrate how it can benefit us all.
Over the past 12 years, I’ve studied a good deal of intriguing research about collective consciousness. It suggests that we influence each other in many subtle, yet powerful ways, and that our collective wisdom and creativity can be harnessed for the common good much more than we do presently.

To read the rest of this terrific and insightful article visit: What Can Science Tell Us About Collective Consciousness?

Durkheim's Collective Conscience:  
     If we can say that in some sense collective representations exist outside of individual consciences, it is because they derive not from individuals taken one by one, but from their interaction, which is very different. No doubt each one brings his own share in the elaboration of the common result; but private sentiments become social only in combining under the pressure of sui generis forces that this association develops. Following these combinations and the mutual alterations that result from them, they become something else. A chemical synthesis occurs which concentrates and unites the synthesized elements and, by this very process, transforms them. Since this synthesis is the work of the whole, its stage will also be the whole. The resultant that comes out of it thus extends beyond each individual spirit, just like the whole extends beyond the part. ... It's in this sense that it is outside particular individuals. ... To really understand what it is, we have to take into consideration the aggregate in its totality. It is it that thinks, feels and wants, although it can only do this through particular consciences. That is also how we can see that the phenomenon of society is not dependent on the personal nature of individuals." (Sociologie et Philosophie, Presses Universitaires de France, 1963, p. 35-36 - my translation)

Here is a great article that further explains Durkheim:  

     Check out these and other articles on the collective conscience then come back and read the previous posting here.  
What do you think?  Should we try this out or not?  What could it hurt to simply try to make a better world?

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Collective Conscience

Collective Conscience

Make a better world

     It is said by many that as a collective conscience, we create the world that we are living in.  Every thought we pour out into this world adds to the millions of other thoughts and paints the world into whatever crazy Picaso painting we imagine.  Many people around this mobile home park are thinking about the natural disasters, war, famine, and child abuse in this world.  I have read many tweets and facebook posts that also show that other's minds are on these things as well.  I am included in this.  If this theory of the collective conscience creating the world we live in is true, then we have made one heck of a depressing world indeed.  Everywhere you look you read about famine, poverty, war, violence, disease, etc.  I don't know if this theory is correct or simply bogus, but I sure hope that we did not think this place up in the dark folds of our mind and unleash it upon ourselves.  
      I have a way to test this theory however, but there needs to be enough people involved in order for it to work IF this theory is correct.  
     December 20th 2012 at 9 pm Central time, everyone around the world sit and close your eyes.  Imagine a world that is perfect and free from famine, disease, war, and violence.  Imagine a world where we stand as brothers and sister, where everyone IS created and treated equally, a world where we actually love one another and teach our children to as well.  For only thirty minutes, imagine a perfect world from 9 pm to 9:30 pm.  What could it hurt?  It's no more difficult than spending nearly an entire day thinking about living in a world that isn't perfect.  It's no more difficult than spending countless hours reflecting on war, the violence around the world, natural disasters, and children dying from disease or famine.  These are things you think about everyday.  Can you say "no" to thinking about something better?