Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The flood.

Water Works

Where's Noah's arc when you need it?

My husband, Brian, has been working for my step-father in this mobile home park for a week now.  They have been digging up and fixing the water pipes, which seems to be a major fiasco.  My husband walked up to the house just yesterday and I noticed he was caked in mud and dripping wet from head to toe.  I asked what had happened and he told me that while cleaning the dirt from around a pipe with a screw driver, he nicked the pipe and it literally exploded, sending water and mud several feet high soaking my poor, sad, not so little husband.  I had banished him to the outdoors while he dried off.  Don't feel sad for him.  Could you imagine the mess my floors would be in?
Anyway, after a few hours, he had dried off and seemed less irritated.  He tells me, "Well, your dad wants me to go back over, but this time he's gunna use a backhoe to dig around the pipe."  To which I reply, "I don't see that going so well."  He shrugged it off and set out to help my step-dad dig the hole.  Next thing I know,  my water is off, and Brian is walking up the drive even more muddy and soaked than the last time.  Boy, the look on his face told the whole story and it was all I could do not to laugh.  I put on my "I'm so sorry"  look, and asked him what had happened.
"I was standing in the hole and your dad hit the pipe.  The damn thing blew up and a huge spray of water hit me right in the face and before I could get my @$$ out of the hole, I waist deep in mud."  He started up the steps and all I could hear was a squish, squishing sound as his feet swam in the water of him mud caked work boots.  He sat down on the step all forlorn and took a deep breath.  "I hate digging."

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