Monday, April 30, 2012

A friend of the family

 Cage, Handcuffs, crazy man, oh my!

When you should re-evaluate your relationship.

My mom use to hang out with one lady for soooooo many years.  She was her best friend for most of my life.  Not to long ago, she came into town and had lunch with us.  Now, I remember having heard that she came up missing for a while, but after a few weeks was found.  I asked about what had happened and she said she had met a guy online.  When she met him, he locked her in a cage and used a cattle prod on her.  She said, "he just emailed me a few days ago, and I said if he wanted to continue dating, then there would be no caging, handcuffing, or cattle prods involved.  There has to be a few set rules here."
I cocked my head and made a queer face.  "Carm,"  I said.  "Are you flipping crazy?  He's a sociopath, and you're thinking of seeing him again?"
"Well, as long as he knows the rules, we should be all fine and dandy."
Thinking about this conversation, I remember back to how absolutely crazy SHE was, and I totally understand why she doesn't realize that this poster child for SERIAL KILLER is NOT someone most sane women want to have a relationship with.  Of course, this woman once laid in the snow with nothing on but a g-string bikini just waiting for someone to ask what she was doing so she could reply, "I knew I made a wrong turn at the interstate."
Was there something in the water back in the 70's or was it just all the happy pills and wonder weed that created a generation like this?

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