Saturday, May 5, 2012

A bit of quiet.

Quiet please

I'm not sure what to do with myself.  I woke this morning and the drama with my oldest daughter is over.  She's sleeping to be exact, my son did throw up all over the toilet, but I don't mind cleaning that up.  Well, alright, I do mind a bit, but any mom should clean it up and comfort their child rather than get all pissed because their kid wound up sick.  They don't deliberately get sick although it seems as if they do with how unobservant they are about the rules about spreading germs.  they are little germ farms aren't they?  But, they don't meant to be that way.  It's like children who wet the bed and the parent punish them for it.  I know of people who have make kids wear their wet underwear on their head as punishment.  Really?  Does anyone really think a child wets himself on purpose so he/she can sleep in a urine drenched bed?  No,  I don't think so.
Anyways, of on a tangent I am.  So, back to where I began.  All is great and thankfully quiet.  I know it won't be that way for long, but I'm cherishing it for now.  When the moon is full there will be a lot of crazy though and I do mean that.  My husband found out that the moon will be its brightest, and it will be its closest to the earth at this time.  He also mentions something about a solar or lunar eclipse, I'm not certain since after about fifteen minutes I generally just tune him out.  I know, how rude, but I have a hard time keeping focused on his conversations because he goes on forever about the same thing and uses far too many words to get his message across.At any rate, we will be outside at 9:30 pm tonight to witness something and then later to see the other.  My husband's mind is spinning I'm sure.  His friend said the moon will be its closest and this particular closeness happens once ever four thousand years.  I don't know if I believe that, but if my husband buys into it, he may start getting prepared for the end of the world.  Just the other night he saw a strange-looking cloud and said, "You see that?  It's a flaw is the camouflage."
 "What camouflage?"  I ask.  I should know just to keep my mouth shut sometimes especially when the conversation starts out as weird as that.
"The camo to hide the mother ship."  I know that a lot of the time he's jacking with me, but to not know when has got me a tad on edge.  I mean, he believed absolutely that jellyfish-shaped aliens float around just outside out atmosphere and that aliens have taken over our moon.  He reads to many weird-ass stories.

This is Saturday people and my day is starting out great!  I'm going to take advantage and enjoy the heck out of myself.  I'll let you guys know how tonight pans out and hopefully some of you check out the moon as well.  It's supposed to be a sight to see.

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