Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Kitty blues


Mocha got through her surgery fine, but when I got her home, she wouldn't eat or drink anything.  she was so incredibly skinny to.  I'm not certain how much she ate during her two and a half stay at the vet, but she is just so underweight and it's not just her age. 
I got her some senior cat milk and prescription critical care cat food then use a syringe to force feed her for the first day and a half.  Now, I still have to hand feed her, but she will lick it off the end of the syringe rather than fight me the whole time.  She isn't as wobbly on her legs as she was yesterday and is drinking water without assistance.
I'm so proud of my little Mocha.  She is now giving kisses and hopping on the couch with us for loving.  Before, she was hiding behind the couch and in the bathroom, anywhere that she could be away from people.  I hope she continues to get better and I will update you on her progress soon.

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