Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Something in the water?

Something in the water

Not to long ago, my husband and I, with the help of my step-dad, removed a few water pipes from the mobile home park because there was a water leak and the landlord didn't want to loose anymore money on it.  When we drug on of them up, it was a galvanized pipe that had been rusted and corroded for years.  I asked when the pipes had been last worked on, but it seems they have been the same pipes for thirty plus years.  Of course, when I mentioned capping off the end of that pipe, filling it with water, and offering it as a glass to the landlord, no one wanted to do it.  However, I think if the landlord is willing to let us drink water that is fed through a pipe that disgusting, he shouldn't mind drinking it as well.
I don't know for certain, but I do believe that the water is causing people to become ill in this park.  So far two ladies in lot 6 both died from cancer, the preacher behind me was diagnosed with cancer, my mom just fought cancer, the little boy who used to live in lot 1 had kidney failure when he was here, the man who lives behind my mom has cancer, my gall bladder became abscessed, I'm getting cysts on my ovaries, my sister was just told she has to have part of her intestines removed due to pre-cancer cells, and people are being diagnosed with H-pilori, a third world country bacterial infection that can cause cancer, which generally comes from contaminated water or feces.  I asked if the landlord was going to replace the pipes here and was told he would, but so far, there is no work scheduled anytime in the near future.  He simply doesn't want to dish out the money at this time.  He owns a million dollar home, his wife wears fur coats and has a diamond ring on every finger, but they can't afford to replace the pipes at this time?  He said that this was just his retirement and he didn't want to deal with it, which is one of the reasons why no one in the park is allowed to have his number.  I was going to take the pipe to the health department, but it was thrown away, so I may take a sample of the water and have it tested.  I just have to figure out where to take it.

1 comment:

  1. Well, my sister's surgery went fine and my mom, although she keeps getting weak and has a multitude of other problems related to her recent battle with cancer, is now a SURVIVOR. Congratulations mom! My cat is now sick though, but this could just be her age. I'm hoping that is the case. However, regardless of all the deaths and illnesses here in this park, nothing is being done about any of it. I'm looking at moving my family to a safer place that has healthier drinking water, but it's going to take a while. In the meantime, I pray that none of my children get sick while I'm trying to break them out of this unhealthy, water contaminated Hell of a prison called "the mobile home park."
